Sign Wars Happen in Every Race, Every Election, Sometimes It’s Worse With Some Campaigns

Every election there are sign wars. My personal wish is that signs were not allowed unless property owners gave permission and right of way signs would not be allowed. BUT, that is not that case in the real world.

The campaigns of Kim Frazier’s opponent and Justin Biggs opponent are placing signs anywhere and everywhere.

In the Gibbs and Corryton area of Northeast Knox County, The team of Fraziers opponent is placing his sign next to everyone of hers on private property. A few have gone missing and others have had the zip ties cut.


Picture submitted to


Picture submitted to


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Westland Drive and Morrell Road pic is BrianHornbackdotcom


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pole stolen picture submitted to BrianHornback.Com

pole stolen picture submitted to BrianHornback.Com

Over zealous campaign team members think they are helping when really they are just motivating and fueling the other team to turn it up.


Also in the age of ring cameras, dash cameras, trail cameras posted on trees/fences etc. combined with cellphone cameras, it isn’t worth having to go to court to deal with a potential misdemeanor or low level felony record.


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3 Responses

  1. Jessica says:

    Yes! Kim’s opponent has threw up a sign beside hers, even on private property. Screams desperation.

  2. Philip Dalton says:

    As a member of the Frazier sign team, I have replaced numerous signs that have gone missing and today alone re-zip tied three signs that had been cut off on one side. You’re exactly right though, it keeps the fire burning and makes us work harder to get Kim Frazier elected for the betterment of Knox County Commission.

  3. Adam Thompson says:

    As a member of Kim’s sign team, it’s incredibly frustrating to have our signs stolen, vandalized, or painted up with graffiti! It’s obvious they’re threatened by Kim Frazier’s message and her commitment to being a voice for ALL Knox County Residents.
    Her opponent is not competing with class and they’re highly disrespectful of private property.