UPDATE with Image of Sheriff suing Merit Council …..Well …. Here We Go Again

UPDATE: Those that scream “Report that, Mr. Hornback” will say this isn’t true that Spanky is suing to eliminate the Merit Council. pictures don’t lie and I don’t lie 



Knox County Merit System Council for Sheriffs Employees met this morning and postponed the three grievance hearings scheduled for April and May.

They will still rule on April 28 at 9 am on the Martha Dooley Grievance.

Why the delay? According to my sources, the Knox Sheriff has an suit or counter suit in the Nathan Cole Grievance in front of Chancellor Chris Hagerty questioning the validity of the existence of the Merit Council. Knox County Law Director joined it last week with filing documents and is in agreement with disbanding the Merit Council.

This is contrary to what Sheriff Spanky Spangler has said, he has said he doesn’t want to dissolve the Merit Council.

I am told and confirmed with County Commissioner Courtney Durrett that she was present at todays meeting.

It seems to me that the Knox County Commission should vote to ratify the Merit Council. If this latest Knox County vs Knox County is successful, Sheriffs employees will be hired and fired at will. They will be moved with no accountability and no safe guards.

If an employee doesn’t wear a gray shirt, they could be punished and/or terminated. If they don’t contribute financially to the Sheriff they may not get promoted. There have been some who have contributed, some of this most vocal.


Now Chancellor Hagerty ruled earlier this year, the Merit Council could hear the Dooley case. If the Council isn’t valid, why would he have ruled they could hear her case?

Anyway no protection for the officers if Spanky, Buuck and their high paid Attorney Gary Prince have their ways.

Sheriff Spangler asking for the departments uniformed officers 820 of the 1,050 employees

Sheriff Spangler asking for the departments uniformed officers 820 of the 1,050 employees




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1 Response

  1. Sandi Peters says:

    What in God’s name is it going t take to wake people up
    They could compete with Biden and not nat an eye.