I then returned to my roots. (in the words of the Democrat candidate for Sheriff) I traveled to Carter High School to visit with the fine folks of the Eighth District Republican Club. This is the club that I first joined in 1982, when I was 16 years old. State Representative Harry Brooks, County Commissioners Mike McMillian, John Mills and candidate for County Commission Phil Ballard were present. Ray Lee Jenkins, Sheriff Tim Hutchison and all the other candidates running countywide were represented.
Circuit Court Clerk Cathy Quist gave an excellent speech. In addition to her talk about her job and some improvements that she and new Republican Juvenile Court Judge Tim Irwin are working to bring to Juvenile Court. She and I reminded the club of the excellent candidates that are running on the Republican ticket and the lack of experienced, quality candidates running on the other ticket.
I will be posting about the MSM Daily papers endorsement for Register of Deeds. This endorsement is an example of a editorial board that failed to look into the claims of a candidate. In addition to my post, it will be posted on the knoxgop website and submitted to the KNS as a Letter to the Editor.