The Long Drought is Over…. Republican Candidates Return to League of Women Voters Forum

Will Edwards was the first about two months ago. Edwards, the Republican nominee for Knox County School Board Fourth District. He attended and participated in the League of Women Voters of Knoxville / Knox County candidate forum.

The candidates ready to go

Last night, three of four Republican candidates for Knox County Commission attended. Unopposed Seventh District Republican Commission candidate Rhonda Lee. She attended and participated which i believe speaks volumes. Lee is unopposed but still attended to participate and be part of a team. Third District Republican Commission candidate Gina Oster and the Democrat Commission candidate Stuart Hohl attended and participated.

Opening Remarks by Hohl and Oster here. Closing Remarks by Oster and Hohl here

Opening Remarks by Rhonda Lee here Closing Remarks by Lee here

Opening Remarks by Dylan Earley here Closing Remarks by Earley here

Opening Remarks by Frazier and Shipe here Closing Remarks by Shipe and Frazier here

Democrat Commission candidate for at large Seat 10 Dylan Earley was alone, his Republican opponent Larsen Jay sent word that he had to be out of town.

Dylan Earley and I

Republican Commission candidate for Seat 11 Kim Frazier and the Democrat candidate Candidate Vivian Shipe were in attendance and participated. The Independent candidate Donald Bridges, the league was unable to reach.

WATE Reporter and Anchor Elizabeth Kuebel moderated the forum and did a good job.

WATE Elizabeth Kuebel moderating

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