Hair Ain’t In Your Cycle Anymore

My friend Bryan Hair is officially out of the news cycle. His “legal entanglement” is now complete, he has received diversion, after a certain amount of time, I believe his record can be expunged. 

Hornback and Hair

His stint with Knox County as Chief of Staff with Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs ended after he used a golf cart at his home for the recovery of an injured family member. 

He faced the consequences of a mistake and he has moved on. He did not take the easy way out by filing a lawsuit and engaging in a back and forth with text messages and statements that will forever live in the public domain. That covers both, the other terminated employee and an elected official with presumably further political aspirations (neither one of them being Hair)  

Hair a man I have known and consider a close personal friend since 2006 valued his integrity and reputation to face it and move on. Because of that he immediately landed a GREAT gig in the business world and has moved on. 

Additionally, Hair’s family in the last 15 months has faced a health crisis with his daughter (youngest of two children) which continues today. 

In my opinion because of the Hair’s focusing on life and not the sewage plant of government bureaucracy and a political reputation, he and his family are better for the ware. 

So my request to you, is keep the Hair’s outta your gossiping mouth. They are private citizens now, until they ever enter the public domain again. Until then keep their daughter (Bella) in your prayers. 

and by the way, drive your golf cart responsibly!

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