Knox County Commission Should Listen to Buuck

Regular readers of this weblog will be shocked that my constructive feedback over the years in regard to Knox County Law Director David Buuck would result in this post.

Yesterday at the Knox County Beer Board (which are the 11 Knox County Commissioners) Buuck had a difficult job keeping a couple of them focused on the task at hand and he did an exemplary job.

KCSO’s Matt Lawson and Tom Walker brought interesting stories. First, an application was being acted on for another business, but the owner was up for a discussion later in the agenda. South Knox Commissioner Carson Dailey just could not hold himself back. He started on the ”discussion” item finally Buuck realed it back in. Then the Halls Commissioner Rhonda Lee did not want to approve the new application. Buuck told them there was no grounds to reject it. So, Commissioner Terry Hill and Madam Chair Courtney Durrett made the motion and the new application was approved.

Then KCSO’s Lawson brought allegations of some illegal activity, where arrest(s) were made by a holder of a beer permit. Buuck again had to remind everyone that the holder of the permit must be able to defend themselves. Apparently, innocent until proven guilty was lost on KCSO. Thankful for separation of powers, this is evidence that KCSO Lawson wants to be Judge, Jury and all the Kitchen sink.

Then it was El Tequila, KCSO Tom Walker presented allegations, none which had resulted in citations to the business owner, regarding the sale of beer. Again, Buuck had to steer the Beer Board from veering off course. Walker first stated that there had been 31 calls of service to 911 since July 1. Later Walker said since January 1, Commissioner John Schoonmaker questioned him on July or January. Walker said if he said July, he misspoke. 31 calls in 10.5 months to a shopping center with many businesses doesn’t seem severe in my humble opinion.

Thanks to Law Director David Buuck, Commission led by KCSO did not Barney Fife themselves, you know shooting themselves in the foot.

Commission work session 11/8/2021

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