Facebook Parenting: For The Troubled Teen

Check this out! Beware, there is some mild strong language. But to this dad, I say here, here!

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3 Responses

  1. Mike Donila says:

    Ha ha. I saw this earlier. I'm sure there are folks out there complaining, but I support the guy.

  2. Gary says:

    But isn't this also a big part of the problem?

    EVERYTHING has to be shown on video?

    Including the raising of children?

    I'm just so thankful I wasn't raised during this era of technological “progress,” but I was raised when people could worry about who they were and not what kind of media celebrity they could be.

  3. Mike Donila says:

    It is partially part of the problem. But in his case he should get a pass. He did it response to the daughter putting her note on Facebook. He posted the video on Facebook as a way to reach out to her friends and their parents.