After four years of marriage (wife and I married in 1988, first kid was born October 1990), my family and I moved across Knox County. However, we never left State Senate District Six. The District I have had the privilege to serve on the Republican State Executive Committee since August 14, 2021 and will serve until the next election on August 6, 2026. I will not declare my candidacy in 2026 today. Because you never say never.
From 1973 until 1992 I was in TN State House District 19, the three men that I consider my political mentors are the late Rep. Loy Smith, (in the legislature from 1971-1984 in the 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 and 93rd General Assemblies) the late Knox County School Board Member Ron McPherson (who I helped in his victorious 1984 election) and former State Rep. Jimmy Kyle Davis (in the legislature from 1985-1992 in the 94, 95, 96 and 97th General Assemblies) Anything I did right and good can reflect on these men, anything I did wrong, I did ALL BY MYSELF.
In 1992 the family and I moved to TN State House District 14 and have had three exemplary State Representatives. Rep. H.E. Bittle (in the legislature from 1989-2004 in the 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 and 102 General Assemblies), the late Rep. Park M. “Parkey” Strader (who was Knox County Property Assessor from 1972-2000) (in the legislature from 2005-2008 in the 104 and 105 General Assemblies) and Rep. Ryan Haynes (in the legislature from 2009-2015 in the 106, 107, 108 and half of 109 General Assemblies)
House Joint Resolution 28 Filed for Introduction February 3, 1997
WHEREAS, it was with great sadness and a profound sense of loss that the members of
this General Assembly and the citizens of our state learned of the death of one of its most
respected members, former state Representative Loy Smith; and
WHEREAS, Representative Smith was the son of the late Maxwell M. Smith and Hassie
Loy Smith; and
WHEREAS, as a member of the House of Representatives for seven terms, Loy Smith
distinguished himself on Capitol Hill as a man of great wisdom and compassion, earning the
universal respect and admiration of his peers; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Smith was associated with the John Bailey Insurance Company, where
he served with probity for 40 years, earning the respect and admiration of friends and peers
alike; and
WHEREAS, Representative Smith evinced his faith as an active and devout member of
the Thorngrove Christian Church, where he served as deacon; and
WHEREAS, Loy Smith served his fellow citizens of Tennessee with diligence and
efficiency that will not soon be duplicated, both in his position as House Republican Leader and
as Chairman of the Knox County Republican Party; and
WHEREAS, despite the many demands placed upon him, Loy Smith still found time to
lend his time and prodigious talent to the Carter Optimists Club, the Odd Fellows Lodge, Sons of the Revolution, Pascal Carter Memorial Park Association, Thorngrove Community Club,
Knoxville Elks Lodge, Volunteer Carriage Club and the Tuckahoe Rabbit Hunters Club; and
WHEREAS, the legacy Loy Smith leaves behind will be long remembered and treasured
by friends and associates for many years to come; and
WHEREAS, he enjoyed the loving companionship of his wife, Lonna Rhea Smith; was
the proud parent of one daughter, Scottie L. Baxter; and three sons, David L., James L. and
Jeffery L. Smith. He is survived by two sisters, Ruth R. Smith and Helen H. Smith; and a
brother, Maxwell M. Smith, Jr., all of Knoxville; and
WHEREAS, for 14 years this man of integrity and impeccable moral character served
the people of Tennessee, putting aside personal concerns to further the cause of responsible
government; and
WHEREAS, Representative Smith worked tirelessly in service of countless good works,
not for profit, applause or acclaim, but rather for the satisfaction of knowing Tennessee is a
better place to live as a result of his efforts. His love and respect for the responsibilities and
duties of his office will be long remembered by his colleagues and the many people whose lives
he enriched; and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate that this legislative body pause in its deliberations to
remember the exemplary life of this fine Tennessean; now, therefore,
CONCURRING, That we honor the memory of our former colleague, Representative Loy L.
Smith, remembering with admiration his exemplary character and many selfless contributions to
the people of Tennessee.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we express our deepest sympathy to the family and
friends of Representative Smith.