TN State House – Thursday March 30, 2023 – an Occupation during Recess

This blog has been in operation for more than 18 years. I support Freedom of Speech for Everybody! Even the ones I don’t agree with, I support their right to say what they wanna say. During campaigns, any candidate on the ballot that will talk to me, has a spot on my podcast. People who are guest on my podcast can say things I may not agree with, but our Representative Republic I support to the greatest extent to allow them to say it and I don’t stop them from saying, what they wanna say. Cause this forum is mine and I have unlimited time after the talk is over.

I have been an activist, I have been an elected official (an elected School Board member), I have been a Political Party Chairman and now for 18 years a blogger, podcaster and an elected political State Executive Committeeman. How I operate in each of those capacities changes because the circumstances change.

On Monday March 27, 2023 a human being shot through the doors of Covenant Presbyterian Church and School in Nashville, TN and for 14 or so minutes, that person ended the lives of three nine year olds (one male student and two female students) three adults (a custodian, a substitute teacher and the Head “Principal”) Fortunately, Metro Nashville Police arrived and two officers ended the life of the active shooter.

On Thursday March 30, 2023 hundreds (if not thousands) of our citizens arrived at our TN State Capitol in Nashville. They arrived on the grounds, they entered the Capitol (lawfully) and they did what I support. The legislators had to walk the gauntlet and I supported the citizens doing that and the Representatives having to feel the weight of what they do, legislate.

During the course of the legislature session, three members, Rep. Justin Jones, Rep. Justin Pearson and Rep. Gloria Johnson approached the well. Speaker Sexton ruled them out of order, banged the gavel and then declared a recess.

The three member took over the well without being recognized, demonstrating a lack of decorum. The three members were clearly out of order, they clearly disrupted the proceedings. The Sgt of Arms approached the three members on more than one occasion and asked them to sit down, the three members refused.

The three members “incited” aka encouraged disruption inside and outside the chamber. Rep. Pearson possessed a bullhorn. Now wait, this website is “the Mega Bullhorn of Truth” I need one and do not have one yet. I asked how did a bullhorn other than get into the chamber. A source indicates that Rep. Johnson of Knox had it on her “scooter”. That might not be accurate and if it is not accurate, I will correct it.

You want me to show the “encouragement” or “incitement” of disruption? okay. Here is a screen recording of a video from Rep. Johnson of Knox twitter account. She and a few of her colleagues are on the balcony “encouraging” or “inciting” the crowd. You can hear them referencing Marsha. Clearly United States Senator Marsha Blackburn and there is a comment about 1.3, that is what has been in the media Sen. Blackburn’s campaign received in campaign contributions from NRA. Here is Rep. Jones from a video posted on twitter behind the peace and security of the Sgt of Arms protesting his colleagues, shouting “shame” as his colleagues enter the chamber. I am okay with him doing that, but that is some privilege in being able to protest in peace and security behind an armed Sgt of Arms, ain’t it?

Let me take you into the occupation of the State House, from the floor of the State House. here and here. Before you start clamoring that someone supplied me a video against the rules of the House about recording from the house floor. Let me remind you, Speaker Cameron Sexton of Cumberland immediately gaveled the House into recess. No rule was violated, here or here.

Now below are screen shots, the first is Rep. Pearson twitter that has him in the gallery acting as a citizen not as a member of the State House in protesting his own legislative body. The second is a screen shot from mainstreetmediaTN (an online publication) that shows House Democrats “encouraging” or “inciting” the demonstrations. left to right Rep. Jones, Rep. Ronnie Glynn, Rep. Caleb Hemmer, Rep. Bo Mitchell and Rep. Torrey Harris

A source has told me the three members asked their party leaders, are they not going to arrest us? If that is not accurate, I will correct it. However, Speaker Cameron Sexton and Republican Leader William Lamberth showed considerable restraint. Even Leader Lamberth in refusing to answer question(s) of Rep. Pearson during the resumed legislative session spoke more for Lamberth.

Let me conclude this with a final what ticks me off. A source has informed me that Rep. David Hawk of Greene County was spit on during all of this on Thursday. That ticks aka pisses me off. There are many in the state house I am not a fan of, both on my side and not on my side. However, I have known Rep. Hawk for a very long time. Back when this blog first began, I met Hawk through my personal longtime friend and my Representative at the time Park M. “Parkey” Strader. Parkey isn’t with us anymore. I am loyal to people who are kind and loyal to me. Hawk has been nice, kind and a friend. No matter if I call, message or text him, he responds. I don’t expect my friends to always agree with me, I don’t agree with myself sometimes. However, during the past weekend Rep. Hawk’s dad, Buddy passed away. Rep. Hawk went to Nashville to do the job that the citizens elected him to do. For anyone to be spit on is wrong. If someone were to spit on the three Representatives that occupied the well on Thursday during a recess, I would be angry and defend them. If I had been beside Rep. Hawk when he was spit on. Someone would have felt some physical pain. You can protest, I will support that. You lay hands or bodily fluids on people, you moved beyond protesting and I will do what I can to stop you for doing it.

Do people like Rep. Paul Sherrell do dumb things like in committee refer to wanting to add lynching, “hanging from a tree” on a bill? YES. Did I see the discomfort in him having be shielded by THP troopers and think well that is karma? YES. But a little gauntlet and personal discomfort is one thing, having to be spit on is not.

Finally, concluding with this, six innocent victims died before it was their time on Monday. One died on Monday because that is the consequences of their actions.

Now, do we as a society need a conversation? Yes!

Will I support people in and out the Capitol making their voices heard at “the people’s house”? YES.

As an elected official as part of the legislative body, learn to work within the body. Cause as my Papaw use to say, when you are pointing one finger, three more are coming back at you.

Oh and be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions, whatever they may be.

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