Karen Carson Ask For Comments 7 hours and 45 minutes Before The Meeting

Here is the text of a broadcast email that Karan Carson sent out on Monday at 9:14 a.m. requesting comments 7 hours and 46 minutes before the meeting. Most individuals supply their personal home email addresses for this type of notice and do not check their personal email at work, so by the email being sent at 9:14 a.m. most individuals received this notice after the fact.

Unless of course they are readers to Brian’s Blog where I have been supplying new and revised versions, since early January 2006 and sometimes before the school board members had them. With Thanks to Brian’s Blog sources located all over the county and region.

Information that is beneficial almost never comes from elected officials. They want to give the appearance of listening and informing, until you notice it is only 7 hours notice when the issue has been discussed for more than 45 days. That is 1080 hours or 64,800 minutes. But you get 466 minutes to respond to an email.

Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 09:14:42 -0500
From: Karen Carson
To: Recipient list suppressed:;

Good Morning,
I am attaching the latest proposal for the capital plan. You
will notice that this proposal includes funding for a new elementary
school in the southwest sector. If approved, it is slated to begin
next year. The Board of Ed will discuss this proposal tonight at the
workshop. It will then be up for vote on Wed. If I get any sense
that this will be in jeopardy, I will let you know tonight. You may
want to try to watch some of the discussion on the cable broadcast at
5 PM. Be aware though, that after the Board approves the capital
plan, it must go to the commission for approval. I’ll try to keep
you all updated. Remember, if you have any questions or suggestion,
please feel free to give me a call or send an e mail

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