New High School Over-Runs Questioned

Fifth District Knox County Commissioner Mike Hammond has sent the following letter to Knox County School Board Chairman Dan Murphy, seeking answers to questions.

Dr. Dan Murphy


Dear Chairman Murphy:

As a county commissioner whose district will benefit from a new west Knoxville high school, I am greatly troubled by the developments of the past few days concerning the skyrocketing cost of the school.

I am receiving multiple inquiries from constituents. On their behalf, I would like answers to the following questions:

1. After a $40 million dollar figure was assigned to this project, why was an additional 78,000 square feet of space added to the school?

2. On whose authority did the architect and construction company add the extra square footage, knowing it would affect the cost of the school, the budget for which had already been set?

3. What is the effect of the addition of 78,000 square feet on the fees that will be charged to the county’s taxpayers by the architect and the construction company?

4. Why are we finding out so long after the contract was agreed upon that there is additional costly excavation necessary at the site?

5. What information has the architect and construction company been given, in writing, and itemized, by suppliers to justify the increase in materials cost? (I assume that this is in possession of the PBA, the construction company, or the architect. I would like this information provided to me by noon, Tuesday November 8)

6. If this information is not in possession of one or more of these organizations, what is the justification for the materials cost increase?

These are just the initial questions. I will have more. The County Commission appropriated $40 million dollars for this project, and now we’re told that the cost could increase by approximately one-third over the original amount. Is this good business?

I wholeheartedly support the new high school. It is desperately needed. However, this increase is potentially jeopardizing our community’s ability to provide our students with the school that they need, and for which we appropriated $40 million taxpayer dollars.

Thank you for your cooperation and your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon; however, as stated above, I would appreciate having the materials cost specifics provided to me by Tuesday.


Mike Hammond
Fifth District County Commissioner

cc: Mayor Mike Ragsdale
Knox County Commission
Knox County School Board

Commissioner Hammond is a fairly new Commissioner, having been elected in a 2004 special election, to fill the un expired term of former Commissioner Mike Arms. Mr. Arms currently serves as the Chief of Staff to County Mayor Mike Ragsdale.

Although Commissioner Hammond may be new to the Commission, he isn’t new to Knox County Government and Knox County Schools. He served as Chairman of the Government Efficiency Panel for several years. The Government efficiency panel in 2001 helped bring Knox County Government and Knox County Schools together, to undergo a comprehensive audit of the Knox County School System. Commissioner Hammond has a successful track record of being a citizen watchdog when it comes to any waste of our tax dollars. He will advocate efficiencies when necessary to protect the citizens wallet.

Thanks to Commissioner Hammond for asking the hard questions,Volunteer TV the CBS affiliate talked with Murphy and here is what they reported he said.

Dan Murphy tells Volunteer TV News they’re still in the discussion phase and nothing set in stone.

Brian’s Blog has posted on this two additional times here on Tuesday 11/8/2005 and here on Friday 11/11/2005.

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