Bella’s Blessings – Join In the Blessing in 2023

A few years ago, my dear friends, Bryan & Jayme Hair’s daughter, Annabella was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor which required brain surgery that took place less than 20 hours following her diagnosis. Annabella has been fighting hard the past few years during her recovery and is the definition of a warrior. Three months after Bella’s surgery, the Hair’s started a non-profit “Bella’s Blessings” which is managed by East Tennessee Children’s Hospital.

The purpose of Bella’s Blessings is to provide for families that are unexpectedly admitted to the Hospital, just as Bella was.

This Christmas, they are doing their second annual gift card drive for the families at ETCH.

Last year, on Christmas Eve, they gave a cup full of gift cards to every child/family that was admitted and would be staying at Children’s Hospital over Christmas. The gift cards were from Food City and a host of restaurants, gas stations and food delivery services that were close to the hospital. As the cups were given, families were blessed knowing that certain expenses such as food and gas didn’t have to be a concern. I asked Bryan and Jayme about their passion for this and they said that “God has been so good to our family and that the Christmas season is a time we should be both showing and sharing God’s love…what better way to serve than by helping those that are in the same situation we’ve been through with Bella?”

This year, will you join me in helping to collect gift cards in $5, $10, $15 and $20 increments? There will be 75-85 families in the hospital so please join us in trying to provide them with some Christmas Cheer!!!

The gift cards will be delivered to the families on Christmas Eve so please try to have your cards/funds to the Hair family/Bella’s Blessings by Wednesday, December 20th!

OR, If you want to donate but don’t have time to buy gift cards, you can:

Venmo Jayme (@Jayme-Hair) 

PayPal Jayme (@JaymeHair) 

She will be happy to purchase on your behalf.

If you have questions, please call Bryan @ 865-776-5323.

To learn more about Bella’s Blessings, follow them on Facebook, here or Instagram here.

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