Knox County School Board Passes Kristy’s Resolution 7 – 0 with Bike Passing and No Show Triplett

Knox County School Board had two Resolutions on Teachers Armed with Guns. Former School Board Chair Kristi Kristy’s Resolution. Not before Board Member John Butler attempted to amend it. The amendment failed 4-4 ( you need 5 to approve anything) So then it ultimately passed 7-0-1-1 that is 7 in favor, 0 against, 1 pass and 1 absent.

When Kat Bike’s Resolution came up, Member Watson suggested the Resolution was not likely to pass. So, Bike withdrew hers. Which left Bike again not supporting SRO, KCSO and KPD or safety and security in schools.

You can watch the meeting here, even on Public Forum five citizens spoke on books in school libraries they are concerned with.

Only a few years ago it was reported here by the daily paper that the same person that leads the group on library books, also faced a multi million dollar suit from Coaches of a high school of the school system.

one final note from tonights meeting Board Member Steve Triplett fought to move the voting meetings to Thursday from Wednesday’s and then he can not do the job of his district on a Thursday night.

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