Early Voting for Federal and State Primaries and Knox County General Election begins Today, What About the Money?

Knox County Law Director David Buuck had $3,167.30 last report, he received a $500 contribution and spent ZERO with $3,667.30 on hand.

On July 11, I did not locate a report for Democrat Jackson Fenner for his campaign for Law Director.

Daniel Herrera, former Republican Candidate for Law Director had $1,833.55 on hand last report, raised ZERO, spent $1,833.55 and has ZERO on hand. $225 to the campaign treasurer Chrissy Stephens. Contributions of $280.86 to Campaign of Debbie Phillips and also to Andy Fox for Commissioner. a payment of $1,045.83 to Wind Consulting for consulting services.

Republican Property Assessor John R Whitehead (term limited, not on the ballot, has an open account) had $13, 873. 91, spent $4,000 with $9,873.91 on hand.

Republican candidate for Property Assessor Phil Ballard had $4,471.46 last report, received $39,353.84, spent $7, 899. 69 with $35,925. 61 on hand, with a remaining loan of $104,389.99

Democrat candidate for Property Assessor Drew Harper had $3,457.38, received $5,199, spent $3,463.17 with $5,189.11 on hand.


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