Local Lore Knoxville 2024 – Summer Pop-up July 20th, Serene Manor Medical Center – Built as the Colored Persons Wing of Knoxville General Hospital

Local Lore Knoxville 2024. Local Lore Knoxville is on Facebook here. Local Lore Knoxville is a walk, talk, learn by Knoxville Realtor Jennifer Montgomery of Wallace Real Estate. Local Lore is primarily in the Spring and Fall on Sunday evenings. In the Summer it is on Saturday mornings as pop-ups while it is so hot. The first pop-up this Summer was on June 22 and was about Talahi (the beginning of Sequoyah Hills). Check the June 22, here. The second pop-up was this Saturday July 20th. It was at Serene Manor Medical Center at 973 Wray Street in North Knoxville. It was built as the colored persons wing of Knoxville General Hospital. The property is about to revert back to Knox County Government, unsure what Knox County plans to do with it. I will begin asking Knox County the plans, if any, will occur with the property. The building is located behind Knox County Health Department at 140 Dameron Avenue. Serene Manor Medical Center was a convalescent facility.

You can watch the July 20th walk, talk and learn in its entirety here.

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