Can You Do One Thing?…. Sign This Petition! It is ONLY an Online Signature! RIGHT? NO! It is MORE THAN THAT!

My young family (wife, two year old son at the time and me) on December 15, 1992 moved to Southwest Knox County (Concord) off Campbell Station Road and Loop Road / Woody Road. 1992 was a great year for the Concord area (in my opinion) my young family along with Aubrey “Randy” Burleson began Aubrey’s Restaurant on Campbell Station Road near Kingston Pike. The original “Aubrey’s” isn’t there now (another post for another day) But all of East Tennessee know Aubrey’s Restaurant today.

Fast Forward to February 3, 1995 when Les and Carol Dotts of the Village Green Neighborhood in the Town of Farragut went to dinner, coming home to two adults and one juvenile (look-out) robbing the Dotts home. Les and Carol were murdered that night. Read an account by the Dotts daughter, Jeanne Dotts-Brykalski, here on the website Hope for Victims.

Les and Carol Dotts (taken from petition)

Mrs. Brykalski and Bob (her husband) have had to endure reliving the horror of 1995 again and again (29 years), like here in 2021. Bob Brykalski is the one that discovered the bodies of his mother and father in law in their home. Read this story from the current edition of the weekly printed Farragut Press publication.


Please go to this online petition to join me and others requesting that David Scarbrough one of the still incarcerated killers NOT to be granted parole. The parole hearing is scheduled for December 2024.

Below is the verbiage from the petition online, posted October 1, 2024

Justice for the Dotts (Les and Carol Dotts) – Parole Protest for December 2024, PLEASE DENY PAROLE for double murderer David Leon Scarbrough TOMIS ID # 00286411 Birth Date 02/20/1976, Race White, Sex M.  Parole Hearing Date: 12/2024.  The exact date has not been scheduled yet.

I have added some details and facts from some of the testimony during David Leon Scarbrough’s Trial.  

Per Harley Watts’ testimony, David Scarbrough was carrying a .9 mm semiautomatic pistol on their way back to the car, which he handed to Gagne as they drove away.

John Raymond Jacobs testified that he worked with the David Scarbrough at U-Haul truck rentals in the summer of 1996. Jacob claimed that sometime after the murders, he and some other employees were telling “war stories” when the Scarbrough admitted to killing a couple in West Knoxville.  FYI, another former U-Haul employee confirmed this statement, as he had heard Scarbrough “bragging” along with some other employees.  

BRAGGING about murdering my parents.

Scarbrough’s supposed alibi that he was with a girl he had been seeing, (KK), for the night of my parents’ murders.  This was a LIE as she testified that she could not have been with the defendant on the night of the murders because a calendar that she kept at that time indicated that she had gone to a school basketball game with two friends. One friend (CL) confirmed that the two had attended a school basketball game together on the night of the murder, February 3, 1995. KK testified that she remembered the date because it was “Flannel Night” during the school’s Spirit Week.  She had written in her journal about the game.

I deliberately used the young women’s initials instead of their names for their safety.

Scarbrough, Gagne, and Watts all told the KCSO that they had been driving around the Village Green neighborhood ringing doorbells looking for a house where no one was home to rob.  WITH A GUN.  This was a calculated, deliberate, premeditated CHOICE Scarbrough and his accomplices made.  

Despite what Scarbrough keeps saying, this was NOT JUST A “MISTAKE”, and it was NOT AN ACCIDENT.  

Mom, HoneyBare, Mischief Marie, and Daddy.  Afternoon Collie Playdate followed by cooking out and playing UNO.  

Justice for the Dotts – Parole Protest for December 2024, PLEASE DENY PAROLE for double murderer David Leon Scarbrough

February 4, 1995, was the worst day of my life.  

That Saturday afternoon was the day my husband found my parents bullet ridden bodies in their home.  They had been brutally murdered by armed intruders when they came home from going out to dinner and surprised David Leon Scarbrough and Thomas Gagne Jr, while Harley Lonnie Watts was the look out.  

The worst day of my life has turned into almost 30 years of a never-ending nightmare that is the Criminal Justice System for those who have had their loved ones ripped from their lives and their families shattered by violent crime and criminals – like DAVID LEON SCARBROUGH. 

On February 3, 1995, David Scarbrough and Thomas Paul Gagne Jr. broke into my parents’ home while their 13-year-old accomplice, Harley Watts, was the lookout.  

When my parents came home from going out to dinner, Scarbrough and Gagne emptied a 9mm gun into my parents. Including a point-blank shot to my mom’s forehead. They even took my dad’s wallet out of his pants pocket after they shot him, and he was dying.

Late 1994, the felon, David Leon Scarbrough, was arrested while stealing a car.  He had illegal drugs and weapons in his possession.  As he did not have a “previous criminal history” his attorney and family told the Knox County DA “that he had never done anything like that before and never would again.” The charges were all dropped because his parents swore that he had never done anything like that before and would not again.                                              THAT WAS A LIE.

During David Scarbrough’s double murder trial more information came out about his criminal history.  He testified that he began using and selling drugs and stealing cars while in middle school.  A few weeks before he turned 19, he became a murderer. 

There was also testimony from Scarbrough’s father about a “shootout” he was involved in with one of the “co-conspirators” Thomas Paul Gagne Jr.  His family NEVER reported this to law enforcement.

When the double murderer, Scarbrough, was asked by the prosecutor what he thought about the charges being dropped the first time he was arrested, his response was “wow, I have a great attorney.”  This is a part of court record.  There was NO, “I made a mistake, boy was I lucky, I am so sorry, I’ll never do anything like that again.”  Oh no, none of that, just, “Wow, I have a great attorney.”

While Scarbrough has been in prison he has been flunked numerous drug tests, been caught with drugs, selling drugs, and drug paraphernalia, stealing, refusing direct orders and more.  

Something that should be noted, ALL three of the killers testified that they had been driving around my parents’ neighborhood that night ringing doorbells trying to find a house where no one was home.  My mom and dad left lights on in the house whenever they were gone, and their big beautiful 84 pound, very noisy collie, HoneyBare was in the house. 

Scarbrough and Gagne went to the back of the house and smashed out a window to break in and rob my parents’ home.  My mom and dad surprised them when they got home from going out to dinner.

THIS WAS WILLFUL DELIBERATE MURDER.  This was thought out and planned ahead of time.  Despite Scarbrough’s claims – my parents’ murders were NOT AN ACCIDENT or a MISTAKE.  It was HIS DECISION AND HIS CHOICE.  

The dead cannot cry out for justice.  It is a duty of the living to do so for them. There are no “do-overs” for murder.  Nothing brings our murdered loved ones back.  Time has not and will not “fix” what happened to my family. I will never forget or stop missing my parents.  


Please help us keep a killer in prison by signing the petition and leaving a comment as to why you are signing the petition if you would like.  Please avoid using profanity.   

Ask yourself, do you want David Leon Scarbrough as your neighbor, walking and driving the same streets as your family and friends? 

Do you want him living in YOUR neighborhood? 

Do you want him back in our community using and selling drugs and stealing? 

If you are completely honest with yourself – the answer is NO.

Thank you in advance for your kindness, compassion, and support.

Jeanne Dotts Brykalski
Robert Brykalski

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