Looking for a fight at the School Board

Today, while on the media panel at the Knox County Schools PIE Regional Conference I announced that I like fights. I went on to explain that I do not like when a governing body sets around holding hands and singing kumbaya. Because there are always differences of opinion and someones differing opinion has been silenced either by being to afraid to voice their own or bullied by a stronger personality on the body.

So, when I saw this story from Lydia McCoy on Knoxnews today that School Board Member Doug Harris went against the publically statedd opinion of his 6 female and 2 male colleagues. I was like the guy saying “fight fight”. From what I can gather last nights discussion was fairly civil. Time will tell if Harris caves in to the publically stated opinion of his colleagues and joins hands and begins singing kumbaya or not.

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1 Response

  1. The Shadow says:

    If the Indya commenter on the blog from the Dark Side is the current chair of the school board, she’s got some pretty liberal ideas:
