Kuhlman to Lead Knox Republicans, Her Close Second Burkhardt is First Vice Chair

U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander attended the Knox County Reorganization Convention and spoke briefly about the current state of affairs in Washington and the value of being involved locally.

A few resolutions were handled. Mayor Burchett presented a resolution honoring the memory of former Commissioner Mary Lou Horner. Her son, Bobby accepted the resolution and spoke to the 300 or so members of the Knox County Republican Party. Nick McBride, Teasurer of the Knox County Republican Party made a motion to inform the Knox County Delegation that the Knox County Republican Executive Committee supports electing the Superintendent of Schools not the School Board appointing them. The resolution was nearly unanimous in it’s passage. Another resolution was offered memorilizing the life of Sarah Moore Greene.

Then the vote for Chair. As previously three candidates sought the position, Buddy Burkhardt, John Gabriel and Ruth Kuhlman. After voting by precinccts were conducted. Ruth Kuhlman won a close election with Burkhardt coming in a close second and Gabriel finishing a respectful third.

Kuhlman then conducted the election of First Vice Chair. Former Chairman Ray Jenkins nominated Burkhardt, several people seconded. I (Brian Hornback) immediately moved that nominations cease, numerous people seconded my motion and Burkhardt was elected.

The Secretaries elected today were, Joy McCroskey, Suzanne Dewar and Suzanne Sanders. The Treasurers elected today were Nick McBride, Broadus Hubbs and Cindy Buttry.

An anonymous contributor submitted a brief slightly irreverant contribution detailing the activities at today’s convention.

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