Property Assessor Responds and Admits to Organizing Off Duty Activities While On Duty

This post from yesterday with picture proof of the Property Assessor violating the rules of mixing politics with operation of the counties Property Assessor office generated some attention.

One, an employee of Ballard’s Dean Lewis replied on the previous post of Shock And Awe and did not reveal that he is an employee of Ballard’s. Two, ‘da career killa’ Mike Donila Screamed From his Porch here and got a response from Ballard.


“..He said that he was putting together a booth that he will set up tomorrow for a home builder’s association at the Expo Center. He said the sign that bears his name doesn’t include the phrases “vote for” or “elect.”

“I’m term limited,” he said. “I don’t need to campaign.””

Since Ballard refuses to return phone messages by Shock And Awe and instead hide behind employees that he instructs to post on my blog. Let me make this case. The banner pictured was purchased with campaign funds, the banner pictured was utilized during his recent election. Thus it is campaign material, being used in “official” capacity. Thus, a violation! To be organizing a booth during work hours is yet another misuse of county tax payer resources. How many employees were helping to organize the booth during work hours?

Additionally, Ballard has a campaign slogan. “Ballard on the Ballot” So it doesn’t matter if it says “vote for” or “elect” with his slogan he apparently is always on the ballot. Unless, of course he intends to announce that he will NEVER seek public office again. But it is still a violation. If it looks like a campaign banner, was bought like a campaign banner, reads like a campaign banner. Then it is A CAMPAIGN BANNER.

Here’s the picture again. You Decide.


Of course, he couldn’t organize this booth after work because that would take him away from his FarmVille game on Facebook and watching videos to like and share with his Facebook friends.

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