Nashville Davidson County Residential Properties Drop in Value

The Nashville Davidson County Property Assessor announced today that residential property values have decreased. The question is why is the Knox County Property Assessor not being open and transparent about the reappraisals for Knox County? The last time he stuck us all with paying more tax money. What are the odds that he will do it again? Read the Tennessean story here.

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1 Response

  1. Elmer Henderlight says:

    Darn right Phil will put the screws to us again. That man is so crooked if he swallowed a ten penny nail he would crap a screw. He doesn’t know the true value of property, its only worth what a willing and able body will pay for it. But the willing able people don’t have a china mans chance on a transparent assessment. As long as the Daffy Duck crew of bobbleheads on the County Commission keep their thumb on Phil’s rear end he is going to do whatever they want. Face it folks, the manufactures that could have chosen to locate their plants in this dead end town chose elsewhere. Chattanooga which is less than an hours drive away has everything we could have had. We are head over hock in debt, paying wages to elected officials who couldn’t find their way out of a paper poke with a neon sign stating “EXIT HERE”. Mayor Tim it’s past time to seek into this office on the second floor. If you want to be re-elected you need to look into the revenue calculation figures of the politicians chosen few. If you bury your head in the sand this clown and his dead beat followers will squeeze right into the race and plaster his dumb commercials. Ballard on the Ballot, the only ballot he belongs on is the song “Moving On”. Wake up people, its high time to find someone with more than one brain cell to run for this office. His people are stumbling come forth, we do not need a sixth floor baby sitting service of politicians children.