Poor Pam Strickland!

In her Friday column she wrote that she did not know of Attorney Dan Mcgehee. The lawyer representing his fraternity and in particular one member who made the news when he was dropped at UTMC with a .448 alcohol level.

It is obvious Strickland ain’t from around here. As a community columnist she should perform due diligence on her topic.

Attorney McGehee was a Republican candidate for Chancellor. He was defeated in the Primary by Wayne Houser. Had McGehee won the primary, he would have then challenged Democrat Darryl Fansler.

Fansler went out to win a tight race with the assistance of Bill Stokes, Former Knox Co Republican Chairman & Adviser to Income Tax Proposing Governor Don Sundquist.

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1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    Billy Stokes isn't even a Rino. Be who you are Billy, just tell the truth and be the Democrat you've always been. You'll feel better when you stop living the lie.