Everyone Wants to Know My Sources

Mike Donila must be a blogger who does not blog on weekends. Today, he picked up a post of mine from last Friday. I suspect that the subject of the lawyer letter desires to know who my sources are.

Many times I get information and sources will say “you didn’t hear this from me” or I will be an “unnamed source”. Many times I will post a story and the subject will ask where did you get that? Many times I will have elected officials say, I can’t believe you got that, there were only a few of us there.

The unique thing about the popularity of this blog (that is 9 years old) is the people that keep it running. The sources, the commenters and now the advertisers. Donila says I am a polarizing figure. I would respectfully disagree with that. I am merely the guy that types and hosts on his domain the stories that more than a couple of people relate to me as fact.

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