Georgiana Vines Column Lacks Sufficient Research

Today’s column by Georgiana Vines lacks sufficient research. Vines reports that an individual that leads a political group was the president of a local club until being elected to the current position. That election was in January 2013, the resignation as the leader of the club didn’t occur until June or July 2013. Five or Six months do not make right after in my dictionary. But hey, maybe my East TN native learning ain’t up to Big Metal Shed par.

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1 Response

  1. KnoxCountiesNoConfidenceInKuhlman says:

    I notice that Vines used a lot of ink quoting Kuhlman. Vines reports that she tried to contact Dewar. Your name is mentioned in the article with matterr of fact details. Did Vines not contact you? What gives, Vines is a liberal Democrat and paints a one sided story about the most LIBERAL party chair Knox County has ever had.

    Vines closest friend contributes to Campfield’s previous opponent. Kuhlman has reportedly suporting Briggs, Campfield’s newest victim. You are a conservative, Brian. This seems to be a anti Conservative attack on your firrst amendment right to free speech.

    I remember that night at the Copper Cellar when Vines screamed at you and was defending her boss, McElroy. You, Steve Hunley, me and Mayor Burchett were there to witness that attack.