Who Is to Blame, the Local Weather Folks, Dr. McIntyre or Tim Burchett

So with all the school bus incidents after the frozen liquid fell this afternoon. Who is to blame? The local weather folks for not forecasting this soon enough? Dr. McIntyre for getting a half day in before sending them home or Tim Burchett, who recently boasted that inclement weather preparations were on the scale of military action. If that’s the case, Mayor Burchett you failed as Commander of a military exercise. It seems that post hole Toby’s boy is more interested in having you send people home early and closing county offices early, so there’s more traffic on the roads that you did not adequately pre treat.





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4 Responses

  1. Knoxvcountyreject says:

    This makes me mad! To put childrens safety at risk is beyond me! I will never vote for liberal Tim again and hope that others are starting to see what a sorry SOB he really is.

    • The Shadow says:

      The problem was with the school superintendent for waiting so long. McIntyre set us up for an Atlanta style disaster. This failure is clearly McIntyre’s fault, not Burchett’s.

  2. When will they learn? says:

    Reports on WNFZ 94.3 this morning say Dr. McIntyre choose federal school lunch dollars over students safety. More on the story Thursday on WNFZ.