Scott Smith Running for Republican State Executive Committee with a Purpose

Scott Smith, North Knoxville Insurance Agent announced this evening at the Halls Republican Club that he is running for the Republican State Executive Committeeman District 5 seat. This is the district served by Senator Randy McNally.


Smith announced that he is running to create Closed Primaries in TN. When he was asked to explain what closed primaries are, His response in a loud voice, to keep nasty democrats from voting in Republican primaries.

It is an interesting concept on the eve of Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett’s campaign kickoff. A kickoff where many democrats are on the host list. Several people wondered what Smith thought of when Burchett voted for Lt. Governor John Wilder for re-election as Senate Speaker and Lt. Governor instead of voting for the Republican. Also some wondered after the meeting of what Smith would have thought of the time Democrat Wilder came in and raised money for Burchett while Burchett was a State Senator?

It’s Bo Time

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1 Response

  1. Knoxcountyreject says:

    Well I’ve been trying to stay quiet but this beats all I have ever seen. Scotty Smith is a joke I wonder if his mom is running his campaign like she runs his office. This is the same Scott Smith who claims on his Facebook page that the Republican Party will not exist in 10 years because they are fundamentally wrong. Mrs Smith also talks about playing with aborted babies and how he opposes and form of conservative leadership yet he wants to be on the state executive board. In the case of Scott Smith I wouldn’t vote for this nut case even if he was the only person on the ballot in a closed primary!!!