Dr. Briggs Must Have Felt Like a Shot to the Crotch Last Night With The Failure of the Leutholdites

Well yesterday’s Trustee election results proved that the Leuthold’s of Cedar Bluff can’t carry a simple majority of votes countywide. It seems the Leuthold greed in January 2007 cost them a respectable reputation countywide.

Dr. Richard Briggs thought what a great idea it would be to have the elder Leuthold be his treasurer for his challenge of State Senator Stacey Campfield. Because as Dr. Briggs said, “Leuthold was unscathed by Black Wednesday”. It appears that Knox County citizens didn’t believe so.

So, state senate districts. There are three different State Senators that represent portions of Knox County. So, if ALL of Knox County rejects the Leutholdites, then how could they even remotely carry a majority of Knox County in the form of a State Senate.

Briggs is probably hunched over today as last nights results felt like a shot to the crotch. Because last nights rejection of the Leutholdites is likely going to be a rejection of Briggs for State Senate.

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