The TEA Party Darling aka Crowned Prince Cantor Beat

U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was beat in the Republican Primary in his Congressional district. Cantor has been the darling of the TEA Party. He has been the “joker” to Boehner’s “Batman”, just read the 2012 Bob Woodward book, The Price of Politics.

So, now that Cantor is beat, the credit is being given to the entity that once considered him to be their crowned prince. While I have never been a fan of Cantor, crediting the group that adored him seems far fetched to me.

Remember, not to long ago (about two years ago) Third District Congressman Chuck Fleischmann brought Cantor to Knoxville’s Ruth Chris for a fundraiser. Anyone who has read this blog, knows that I am consistent. Didn’t care for Cantor or Fleischmann.

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