Congressman Duncan’s Opponent Unites Former Chairmen in Supporting Duncan

Thousands of Knox County Republicans began receiving a letter from Former Knox County Republican Party Chairmen.

July 16, 2014

Dear Friends:

We are writing to you as loyal Republicans because Congressman Duncan is being opposed by a man who, as far as we know, has never done anything for the Republican Party.

This man apparently did not ever attend Republican dinners, meetings, or rallies until he started running for Congress and is not listed as a previous contributor or supporter of any Republican candidate.

Yet in spite of having almost no Republican involvement, he has such a high opinion of himself that he is demanding the Republicans give him one of our top nominations.

Even more significant, he has not even voted in the majority of elections held since he registered to vote.

Congressman Duncan, on the other hand has always voted in our elections, federal state and local, since long before he took office. And, he has worked in the campaigns of almost all of our local, state, and national candidates since he was a teenager.

And, Congressman Duncan has one of the best attendance records in the Congress. If his opponent won’t even vote in our elections, how many votes would he miss in Congress?

We hope you will support our friend and Congressman, Jimmy Duncan, in the upcoming Republican Primary and not vote for someone who became a Republican just so he could be elected to Congress.


Gerald H. Turner, Phyllis Severance, Brian Hornback, Ray Jenkins, Lynn Tarpy, Sue Methvin, Billy R. Stokes, Irene McCrary, Mike Prince and Mike McClamrock


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2 Responses

  1. BHornback says:

    No, I met with the Congressman’s opponent a couple weeks ago, he and his supporters get all upset if their is a negative story. So, I started not calling him by name and he has seemed more pleased than ever