Would McElroy Like a do over on His Briggs Endorsement?

News Sentinel Editor Jack McElroy’s Sunday column here details all types of residency issues over the years. It seems a majority of candidates that initially had a residency issue failed in being elected. Can we predict that Mr. McElroy might like to have a do over on his endorsement of Briggs?m

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2 Responses

  1. When will they learn? says:

    Briggs is for Common Core, just can’t find the words to say it. Ride that fence cowboy.


  2. Elrod Woodson says:

    McElroy is an embarrassment as an editor of what used to be a major daily newspaper in Tennessee.

    Briggs is slipping in most run up polls and his candidacy based upon not living in the district is peetering out when it should be in high gear.