Congrats to Christy Gentry, Trish Graybeal and GREAT HIRES by Clerk Hammond

Ole’ Mike Donila over at Straight from the Heart got the list of folks that got the thanks for your service and happy trails to you and yours. He also got the list of new hires and former Knox County employees that Criminal Court Clerk Mike Hammond has made in the first two days.

The Cliff Note version, 9 out the door, 7.5 in the door. Taxpayers win. Thanks Mr. Hammond. Excellent choice for HR Manager Christy Gentry and former Knox County employee Trish Graybeal. Gentry has served as President and is currently Treasurer of West Knox Republican Club. Graybeal was a longtime employee and has been active in Halls Republican Club. Bottom line, they are competent, experienced and ready on day one.

Ok, Mr. Shouse your serve! When are those thanks for your service, happy trails to you gonna be given out? Friday? We are counting on you, Ed!

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1 Response

  1. WannabeJZ says:

    I was told by a “source” that did not want to be named that Ed plans on hiring ……………. No One! Ole Ed plans to keep Craigs staff in tact. You head it here first!