Ballard Places Leuthold in the Old Courthouse

What to do with things that have been around a long time? Museum? No, when you are a Trustee employee since 1994, 8 year County Commissioner (that likes dark Wednesdays), a couple year Property Assessor employee and a 13 month Interim Trustee? You get assigned on day two to the old courthouse working in the Property Assessors private property unit.

That’s what sources say Ballard did today, sent Craig Leuthold to the old courthouse working in the personal property unit. What did Barry Hawkins say? One Black Wednesday Commissioner pal taking care of another Black Wednesday Commissioner pal, or something like that.

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3 Responses

  1. Mrs. Henderlight says:

    Well, Well, Well, That is a good place to go and not be seen. I guess he will take J. O. place except with more money. For that job all you have to do is drive around in a County Car and do personal business for Phil. T’his is a good job for Craig because he hasn’t done personal property work.

  2. Elmer Henderlight says:

    Poor old Craig, I assume is overseeing the renovations to the termite ridden Old Courthouse, as turn about is fair play. I assume he will need some time to learn how to use the key to his only meaningful purpose in the Old Courthouse. He is now and will forever be known as the ” Winder Man”. “hear the clock chime” Craig showed up for work, if it stops he didn’t show. Makes PERFECT sense. Even tits on a boar hog have a purpose.

    Out of sight, out of mind, makes Craig a great asset to the county payroll. As old Butter and Egg man said back in April, “the documents speak for themselves”. Look a t the payroll documents and job description, by the way was this job published or held aside? Bet it was placed on Political Family Leave Act, reassigned to the Trustee to suck on a different tit giving the assessors a rest. Dear Lord that tit has to be raw by now.

    You know I almost feel sorry for him, to be placed under the old jail is a slap on the ass by the Butter and Egg man. But for $55,000, its not a bad salary for doing absolutely nothing. Heck at least let him drive the cars to the car wash, fill them up with gas, schedule the maintenance, pay the gas bill with PILOT or even order supplies. As he peers out of the building on Monday afternoons with squinted eyes, “yeap , four more days until Friday”. I bet the poor Hunley stooge Dan Andrews, could just stand outside the door and take his picture for the Focus. The newest column in the paper. But such is life and all that great stuff.

    As for a candidate PLEASE Gerald Turner do your homework this time. Your committee is lacking in in investigating. The Hunley failure society, aka The SS Ballard and Crew are slowly sinking into the unforgotten waters of defeat. Hearing a few names but nothing sparking my interest in support. But as you can bet everyone will come out of the termite infested Courthouse and run for this one. I wouldn’t even count old wrinkles aka Betty Lane and Prunella aka Linda Turner out as potentials. The Butter and Egg man needs a job, he is moonlighting running a day care center on Ruggles Ferry Pike. Not sure if its partly ran on government assistance or a WIC voucher as children are pricey, with our without Old Bessy piping out fresh milk from the field. I am definitely going to have to attend confession after this week, brother I have just let it fly.

    Zachary hang it up, you lost and life goes on. The Duncan’s clipped your wings, you are dead in the water along side the SS Ballard.

    Have a great day,


  3. Mrs. Henderlight says:

    Well Elmer, I heard Craig said he will be going out and talking to businesses owners about there equipment values, the Old Butter and Egg man already has 4 different employees doing that. At first he had Craig talking to the public about there Property Values when the had calls with complaints they thought that would help at election time, I guess they will try this with the business men.