This evening at Lenoir City Park, the Loudon County Republican Women hosted a covered dish picnic. Members of the local TEA Party were invited guests. United States Senator Lamar Alexander attended the picnic as a Special Guest.
Many local elected officials including Loudon County Trustee Chip Miller accompanied with his lovely wife Joy, Former Loudon County Mayor George Miller, Loudon County Sheriff Tim Guider, State Representative Jimmy Matlock, Marilyn Calfee representing her husband State Representative Kent Calfee, State Senator Randy McNally, Republican State Executive Committeewoman District Six Jane Chedester, Jane Jolley representing United States Senator Bob Corker, Loudon Road Superintendent Eddie Simpson, Bob Griffitts representing U.S. Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr., Loudon County Republican Party Chairman Keith Buckles and Loudon County Republican Party Vice Chair. Melissa Caldwell Browder.
In speaking to the assembled crowd, Senator Alexander described his opponent as just another vote for the Obama Administration. He explained that one of effects of ObamaCare is that employees working 30 hours or more per week must be provided health insurance. The effects are that employees are being reduced to 27 hours of employment per week. When Senator Alexander and the Republicans strengthen the majority in the Senate on November 4 election, they will introduce and pass legislation to allow employees to work 40 hours a week.